Daryl Piontek

Daryl Piontek is 62 years old and is an owner of a non-voting interest in Ada Advisors. Daryl provides administrative advice to Ada Advisors. Daryl has 29 years of professional experience in engineering, middle management and in senior management positions in operations, engineering and general strategic business unit site management. He worked for several Fortune 100 companies in aerospace, industrial and energy related products. Daryl attained the position of General Manager heading up all business functions at a major strategic business unit of a major Fortune 100 company as well as serving on the Corporate Strategic Planning and Technology Councils for 7 years. Daryl is an active participant in  American Water Works Association (AWWA) activities.  He currently is chairman of a major water works national standards team for the American Waterworks Associations (AWWA) Steel Pipe Manufacturer’s Technical Advisory Committee.  Daryl is one of the owners and co-founders, with Mark Langenhan, of the firm Total Piping Solutions Inc. (incorporated in 2001). As President Operations, he built the business infrastructure from the ground up including financing, business systems, personnel management, quality system, safety program, warehouse, operations, engineering, and manufacturing operations in Olean, New York. Daryl works closely with international partners to develop and market products for water system pipe joining, repair and hot tapping. He is the administrator of the Total Piping Solutions, Inc. employee 401K profit sharing and retirement plans. Daryl has a Bachelors degree in Industrial Engineering from The State University of New York at Buffalo (cum laude) and an MBA from St. Bonaventure University Graduate School of Business, where he graduated in the top 2% of his class, with an emphasis in finance and accounting.